Residential Pond Maintenance - MuckSuckers

Residential Pond Maintenance

Environmentally friendly pond cleaning. For a beautiful, natural, healthy pond.

Got Muck?

Are you noticing that your pond is getting more difficult to maintain?

Have you struggled with killing pesky algae only to find it back a few days later?

Your pond can experience a “reset”, helping things get back to the way they used to be.

Environmentally friendly pond cleaning

  • No draining of your pond.
  • No mechanical dredging.
  • No damaging rubber pond liners.
  • No chemicals or upsetting the ecosystem.

We suck the muck from the bottom of the pond to a designated area nearby where it can be used as landscaping material or simply overseeded with grass.

A healthy pond.  At a cost that is generally less expensive  than conventional excavation.

A happy pond with a healthy ecosystem.

With conventional dredging, most ponds need to be drained. This means killing all wildlife or relocating it. Not so with our process!

We will restore the natural bottom to your pond without disturbing existing aquatic life, leading to cleaner water and a happier, healthier ecosystem.

• Read more about why our pond cleaning process is environmentally friendly.

Advantages of the SRS Process

Are you part of a Homeowner’s Association? Unlike excavations, our process can be completed over a number of years, with the budget for the pond cleaning spread out over that time.

Help eliminate fish kills. When algae and weeds are chemically treated, the breakdown of these plants reduces the oxygen levels in the water. Sometimes this reaches a critical level, eventually killing some or all of the aquatic life.

Our process is environmentally friendly, unlike other solutions such as mechanical dredging.

The muck removed from your pond can actually be used as landscaping material or as new soil seeded with grass.

No ripped rubber pond liners. Our process does not disrupt the integrity of your pond.

Our process is generally more cost-effective than conventional excavation.

Your pond is converted back to its original natural condition.

Is your pond in great shape, but your swimming area has black stinky muck?

We can suck it out! Leaving you a fresh start and a clean pond base.